Eight Detectives by Alex Pavesi

After reading the first chapters, I was confused. There was an introduction, the rising action, the mystery, and the resolution, all within only a few pages. I recall finishing the chapter and turning the page likely with curiosity written all over my face; where was this book going? After a read of the chapters titleContinue reading Eight Detectives by Alex Pavesi”

I am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes

Long books can take a long time, and the sooner I get that into my head the better. With such high praise, I had high hopes for this novel by Hayes, and I have to say there is a lot to unpack with this text, but it’s not a complicated text. I say not complicated,Continue reading I am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes”

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

Many say to never judge a book by its cover. But what people should also say, or simply remember, is to not watch the movie before you read the book. Of course, this works with some and with others it does not, and in the case of The Goldfinch, I found that it was notContinue reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt”

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

So many people have either recommended this book to me, or said it was recommended to them, or that it was their favorite book by this author, but you see, I don’t see it. The first book by Murakami I read was 1Q84 a few years back, and really, though the entire trilogy was probably closeContinue reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami”