Studying Literature

For many, September means going back to school. For me, this is the first time in my life where I am not going back to education (something that I am still adjusting to). For my Undergraduate degree I studied English Literature, so there is a fair amount of books that I have studied, even havingContinue reading “Studying Literature”

3 Simple Questions

I haven’t posted in quite some time, so I feel like a small catch up would be quite good. Though I haven’t been reading much, I try picking something up when I get the chance. This semester has been kind of a mess, and with deadlines getting pushed back, it seems like time to readContinue reading “3 Simple Questions”

Reading list for 2019

It’s the start of the year, and that can only mean compiling a list of books for the new year of ones that are either already on my bookshelf for a couple of years, or ones that were gifted for Christmas. There are also a few books in my Waterstones wish list that I willContinue reading “Reading list for 2019”