Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo

So many of my friends on Goodreads have this on their to-read list, and so many people on bookstagram have already read it and reviewed it, even my friends mum read it and gave a short one-sentence review of it. This book is everywhere and for good reason, let’s not forget it did win theContinue reading Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo”

The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton

After The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle was such a hit, it’s no surprise that this one also took the world by storm. I was excited to read it, I don’t think that I had pre-ordered it, most likely getting it on the day it came out instead, still being able to snag it atContinue reading The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton”

Eight Detectives by Alex Pavesi

After reading the first chapters, I was confused. There was an introduction, the rising action, the mystery, and the resolution, all within only a few pages. I recall finishing the chapter and turning the page likely with curiosity written all over my face; where was this book going? After a read of the chapters titleContinue reading Eight Detectives by Alex Pavesi”

Here is the Beehive by Sarah Crossnan

There is a certain art to novels which are written in verse instead of the usual prose; dare I say there is almost a poetic nature to them (pun fully intended). Here is the Beehive was one of those books that was all over Instagram, and from reading the blurb I knew that I wouldContinue reading Here is the Beehive by Sarah Crossnan”

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

It is hard to put into words a review of a book you did not expect to read. Putting pen to paper, or in this case, finger to keyboard, is giving some time to reflect and look back on the journey that The Starless Sea was, and how it went from a book that IContinue reading The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern”