18 questions book tag

It’s no secret that I enjoy a good book with a cup of tea at any time of day, so why not elaborate on my faves and hates, on opinions I have, and odd reading habits? So, grab a cup of tea or coffee and join in on this tag I’ve seen floating around

How many books are too many in a series?

I think that depends on the series. The Harry Potter series works with seven books. Diary of a Wimpy Kid? I keep seeing new ones pop up in book stores and it really needs to stop. I’ve read some great series, and some that are not so great. There is a make it or break it moment to every series, and I feel at times some can even be quite forced, which is the feeling I got with the Divergent book series, where I read the first, gave up three quarters through the second, and didn’t even pick up the third. So really, I don’t think there’s some magic golden number, it’s just a case of the author knowing what they’re doing, the plot of the novel, and how they’ve planned the story.

How do you feel about cliff-hangers?

I think it really depends on the book and how the author plans on going on with the story. It works well between chapters, and on occasion in series, but personally, I do prefer when the book I’m reading comes with a clear and final resolution.

Hardcover or paperback?

I enjoy both. I used to be big on paperbacks, they do weigh less than a hardback, but then again, they look great on a shelf. I had someone tell me that a good book would not be made into a hardback, so, theoretically, I should enjoy and favor every hardback I read. Yet, paperbacks are lighter, don’t have that annoying sleeve or dust jacket that 98% of hardbacks do, there is just less hassle with them.

Favorite book?

To me, there are a lot of elements that go into picking ones favorite book. There’s a lot to unpack and think about before proclaiming that so and so is your favorite. I’d have to say, that the last book that really struck me was Stoner by John Williams. I mention it so many times in tags, and even to my friends. It’s such a simple book, but I remember when I finished reading it and just felt overwhelmed with just the experience of having read it.

Least Favorite Book?

I have to go with Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I don’t think I’ve disliked a book (and movie) this much. It took me forever to read it and honestly, I don’t think it was worth the time. There were so many things that I didn’t like and that rubbed me the wrong way that I was glad that I’d finally finished it, and honestly, even the ending was poor.

Love Triangles, yes or no?

Again, I feel like this depends on the execution. In some cases it works, and in other’s it doesn’t. It worked OK in the Twilight series, but I feel like at times it can take away from the main action and plot of the story. In some fiction, especially ‘teenage’ fiction, they seem to be quite popular and form a somewhat integral part to the plot, but the older I’ve gotten, the less prominent in they seem to be and from the last 10 books that I’ve read, I believe only two had a ‘love triangle’ in them.

A book you are currently reading?

So, at the time of writing this post it’s The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn. Liking it so far and will be coming out with a review on it sooner or later. But as for what I’m reading when this post comes out? Only my Goodreads currently reading sidebar widget knows that.

Last book you recommended to someone?

I tend to recommend every book I read to someone. Yet, the last book that I actively had a conversation about and ended up recommending was Conversations with Friends to one of my friends, and A Spark of Light to my mom.

Oldest book you’ve read? (publication date)

There are some old texts in my Norton Anthology of English Literature, but can I remember any of the texts from there that I read? Not really. But I can tell you this, the texts dated back to the year 800.

Newest book you’ve read? (publication date)

That would be The Binding by Bridget Collins, which hit shelves on January 10th 2019. I’m so glad I ended up picking it up because it had been haunting me since then, always looking so pretty in Waterstones. No regrets, and highly recommend.

Favorite author?

I’m not sure I really have one. I enjoy books by Carlos Ruiz Zafón and Robert Galbraith (or J.K. Rowling), but I don’t think I could narrow it down to just one. I would have to say that I’m more of a favorite genre kind of person, I seem to be more focused on those than who the book is actually by, a fairly simple thought really, because who’s to say that book b will be just as good, or better as book a by the same author?

Buying books or borrowing?

Well, considering I have a dream of having an at home library kind of thing one day, so buying seems to be the way forward. I don’t mind borrowing, there are some that I’ve lent from the library or friends that were recommendations that I’ve enjoyed.

A book you dislike that everyone seems to love?

Probably Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë or any thing by Jane Austen? I’ve only read half of the Brontë novel and half of an Austen, but there’s something about them that just never intrigued me enough to read more or even finish the books. It’s an unpopular opinion because so many people deem the Austen novels as classics and very impactful but it’s a no from me.

Bookmarks or dog-ears?

I’m the kind of person that doesn’t even break the spine on paperbacks; seriously, the books on my bookshelves look untouched for the most part. So bending a top corner of a book isn’t something that is likely to happen anytime soon. I also match my bookmarks to the size of my books so that it doesn’t poke out. I don’t know why I’m like this.

A book you can always reread?

To me, any Harry Potter book is re-readable. But really, it can be any book of choice, maybe you forgot something or want to reminisce on the plot and emotions that were brought to the surface.

Can you read while listening to music?

For me that depends on the situation. When I’m on a train or plane, I can listen to music and read without an issue, but as soon as I have music on in the house when I’m reading I can barely get through a page. I do appreciate some background noise, but something about music is just a little too distracting in a home setting.

One POV or multiple POVs?

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle featured several points of view and opinions of different characters through the entirety of the novel, where each chapter stated the characters name to know which perspective to read from. It seems to work in a few other books, again where each chapter or section switches points of view. There’s something quite intriguing about different perspectives, and I must say, I quite enjoy them.

Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

Any book can be read in a day if you try hard enough. I would consider myself a fast reader, there are books of varying lengths that have taken me just a day to get through. But, then there are books that take multiple days (sometimes even tries) to get through. I think there is a time and place for both and it purely depends on the book as well as on the amount of time given to reading during the day. I’ve always found comfort and joy in reading, and still to this day aim to get through at least one book a month. With the rise of technology it gets increasingly challenging with notifications from various social media accounts constantly lighting up the screen but even a chapter a day will eventually get you through a book and take your mind off of technology.

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