The Happy Couple by Naoise Dolan

It is not often that I have to stop myself from finishing a book in a day, but it’s something I had to do with this one. I don’t feel like I have enough words to express what I went through when reading this book. But, for lack of a better one, perfect, comes toContinue reading The Happy Couple by Naoise Dolan”

insatiable by Daisy Buchanan

If I didn’t spend a lot of time reading works on AO3, I would think this book was porn with some plot (PWP anyone?) and that it was bordering on fanfiction in some parts. It’s not that, but it’s got some spice to it.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Interestingly enough, like my previous read, I started it, took two days off, and then powered through the remaining 80% (give or take) over the weekend. Clearly, my reading productivity soars during these times, leaving me to get a review together early on in the week; it’s almost as if I had unintentionally planned itContinue reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid”