I Mustache You a Question Tag

I was tagged by the blogger from acraveforbooks to do this book related tag that has been going around for quite sometime throughout the community. So here are my answers to the assigned questions: 1. Four jobs I’ve had I’ve had one job, that being babysitting. 2. Four movies I have watched more than onceContinue reading “I Mustache You a Question Tag”

Would You Rather – Book Tag

I was tagged by the blogger from acraveforbooks to do this book related tag that has been going around for quite sometime throughout the community. The same questions are shared throughout all of the users for the purpose of getting to know them better, and here are my answers. 1. Would you rather only readContinue reading “Would You Rather – Book Tag”

Liebster Award Nomination

The Liebster Award is presented as a recognition to new bloggers. This works through a process of nomination going from one blogger to another. I was nominated by “Just another bookish blog“, and I am in awe of receiving this nomination. Below are the questions that I was sent and answers to them. 1. WhatContinue reading “Liebster Award Nomination”